Monday, July 9, 2007

War Is Hell On Yer Skin.

Bullets whistled past my head adrenaline fear and panic all present but supressed by years of training. I held my rifle firmly into my shoulder and returned fire, counting each round as I fired then it happened "click" in all the excitement I'd mis-counted damn those double digit numbers "deadman's click" I moved for cover at the same time reaching into my pouch for a new mag. I felt a sharp pain and hit the ground.
The pain was searing and intense as I lay there in the dust writhing in agony. I half choked half screamed "sarge" within seconds the tough old grizzled features of Sarge Grinder appeared kneeling over me with nervous concern on his face, "what is it Knudsen where are you hit?" I gasped in pain and blurted out, "blisters sarge , heel rubbing against my boot" the Sarge's eyes welled with tears and in a rage he yelled, "Damn you bastards to Hades" and returned fire, " I'm not losing another man today." he said choking back tears.
We'd lost four already , two at the vending machine, one at the toilets and one in the carpark, war was hell. "We need an evacuation sarge" I yelled as a bullet richocheted off my helmet, "you should have went before you came out Knudsen" as usual the Sarge was right damn my inexperience.

" Can you walk to the LZ Knudsen?" I looked around at the firestorm we were in, "either I do or we both die here Sarge." I got to my feet. I could see Charlie closing in. I never liked Charlie there was something about his eyes.

We got to the LZ there was no sign of the Huey , no not a Huey helicopter the huey I did on the ground due to car sickness when we arrived , "look Sarge the mini van" the other men were inside the van shaking and fumbling for their cigarettes , their trousers wet with piss and a haunting 2 yard stare on their faces.
We jumped into the van and took off at high speed, bullets following after us until we got out of range.
We stopped at a Wendy's for some square burgers, no one would never understand what we went through, the soft fat civilains laughed and enjoyed their food, lifting out the pickles with impunity, and impunity drinking her milkshake.
We had just been to a high school on an army recruitment drive only to find the kids better armed than us. I pity those sobbing shell shocked teachers and their curriculum of lunacy, we learned a hard lesson today in the art of war and now school was out.