Sunday, July 1, 2007

Spot The Oxymorons.

The car bombs in London, the bad driving attack in Glasgow and now this. The Spice Gurls have put their hatred for each other aside for the fans and have reunited. Can Britain take anymore? I highly suspect that this is an Al Qaeda plot to weaken the
I implore you my fickle , hate filled readers, no matter how strong the urge is do not buy their products . No dangerously high platform shoes, mirco minis that desecrate the flag or Posh spice back packs and diet plans. It will be tough for some of you not to give in to yer weakness but if you do that means the terrorists win.

The first time round I was all into it. I only dated weemen who were ginger,scary,sporty, posh and that got on like babies, (screamed and shat themselves a lot) this time round I shall go out of my way to avoid , "old spice" , "extremely fertile spice" and "over exposed spice."