Friday, July 20, 2007

Do I Have To Think Of Everything?

Mariane Pearl the widow of Daniel Pearl the journalist who was executed by Al-Qaeda (who are also the cowards behind my spamming) is suing the fuck out of several Pakistani banks who have financially funded the terrorist group. A very American thing to do but this time its ok unlike cases of whiplash and the trauma of lost dry cleaning. In a moment of clarity just as the drink was wearing off me and my painkillers started to kick in I realised what was needed for the messiah to come again and to save the world from evil.
Ms Pearl needs to hook up with John Smeaton who tackled terrorists at Glasgow airport while on his smoke break and they need to fornicate and produce a child,who would become the ultimate defender against Al-Qaeda. The child named Soren (after me) would be the master of small claims courts everywhere, Osmama would dread the court appearances as he would cum to fear the second hand smoke little Soren would blow in his face.

I still have some contacts in the CIA , we'll get the black helicopters, er sorry helicopters of colour and we'll lock the two of them up in a secret torture base in Europe until they do the nasty. Smeato being Scottish will no doubt be up for it and once Mariane hears the accent and looks under his kilt (don't all Scots wear kilts?) she'll be gaging to make a wee bastard. Yes I am aware the child may be a gurl, well they'll keep doing it until they get it right, no offense to any weemen reading this but the rules do say "Son of God."