Monday, July 2, 2007

Foo Foo Dogs Love Em Or Eat Them

Remember Mickey Rouke? he is a twat of the first order, him and his IRA tattoos, he also thinks hes a boxer well I'll knock his fuck in if he ever cums round to Killamory. When hes not doing exercise in his tight man briefs (panties) with his nuts hanging out hes looking ugly being all botoxed up and carrying his little dog Loki, yep he named it after a God, he had a cat called Muhammad but it kept blowing up, at least Loki only tries to end the world now and again, theres tablets for that you know.

I am fucking raging today so stand back, this has been building up for a while but after 17 years I can not take it any more.

I hate people that buy those little shitty yappy dogs, any little dog that they fuss over, kiss on the mouth and talk baby to, those little rat sized bite sized fuckers that are dressed up in little ity bity clothes and eat better food than I do.

My turds have more personality than those things and whats more I hate it that these dumb as a testicle owners carry the dogs everywhere.

Big tough men carry their little foo foo doggies, its one thing getting a big German Shepard called Wolfie as a penis substitute to match yer big red shiny sports car and super fast motor boat but men who carry their little bow wows are well, how should I say this ? so ghey it makes the gheys wince.

Dogs used to be the majestic wolf, masters of the wilderness lords of the wild hunt, now they stand with big lemur like bug eyes and tremble, you could kick one of those fuckers clear across the road. Fuck I hate Lemurs.

Heres that dumb hoor Paris Hilton and her dogs named Sheeba, its the only name she can remember. Why does she bother to carry a lead? when she walks the dogs its her thats doing the walking. I don't see her plastic bag to pick up the shit that rolls doon her legs (from the dogs hopefully) shame on you Hilton you ex con on the edge.

"Fuck you Knudsen, you call me ghey once shame on you, you call me ghey twice um what was I saying? oh yeah GO TEXAS LONGHORNS YEAH!"