Friday, July 20, 2007

Never Mind Harry Potter Will This Post Ever End?

Meet Dr Congo the man responsible for all the recent spammings. Observe his stiffy as he writes this:

"I am clever knudsen you are a fucking idiot.soon you be gone and me be may have bested me when when dueled at Niagara falls but now I win with my spam of doom. I hurt your feelings like a puppy in a trash compactor."

It goes on for a bit and I vaguely remember him from Niagara, I thought he was dead. I was lazy and stingy and didn't double tap him, hey bullets are expensive. I was able to get this picture from my contacts in the CIA and Torchwood, just moments later he was called doonstairs by his mother for his dinner, sources report he still didn't put any clothes on, oh and for the record Old Knudsen is bigger doonstairs if you know what I mean and I don't mean my dinner.

A reminder.

I do Satire not Satyr . Horned deities of the wild who followed the gods Pan, Dionysus , Bacchus and Iggy Pop. they loved music, drink and human weemen, hey who doesn't ? St. Jerome wrote of a Satyr that was captured alive in the reign of Emperor Constantine, it lived in Greece until it died. Aldrovandus a medieval writer said there were many still living in Ireland which goes a long way to explain Niolk ........BAM!
A Satyr can also instill fear and terror into the unsuspecting traveler and the name Pan goes towards making the modern word panties for which we give him thanks especially white cotton panties stretched to capacity across a woman's ample behind, um what was I saying? oh yeah the Greeks and the Irish must of fucked goats, *hey have you seen their weemen?*

"What do ya reckon Jim?" "Um Ted I think its dead."

Scientists found a 40,000 year old fully intact baby mammoth. Firstly I don't believe in science and secondly anything over 5000 years old was planted by Satan, do I look like I came doon in the last shower?

Where is this post going?

No where fast I believe. Its July 21st which is national end a post with some old guy spanking a hottie day, c'mon get with the spirit.

Scott Caan, one of the few Scotts that doesn't wear a kilt, but fuck doesn't he look and act like his Da James?

*I will burn for this remark but its all just a bit of craic I love the Celtic woman.*