Friday, July 13, 2007

Two American Arseholes.

Pamplona where they prove their manhood by running away and not lubing the horns.

During the running of the bulls in Pamplona in Spain two Americans brothers were simultaneously gored up the arses by the same bull. Micheal and Lawrence Lenahan from Philadelphia the city or brotherly love and the only place in the US where two brothers can marry each other.

Michael had recently overcome testicular cancer that had spread to his abdomen the brothers were celebrating his recovery not by hookers and drink like any normal person but by running from a pack of 1300 pound man eating bulls. Americans huh? when God asked them if they wanted some sense they said, "no way dude we won't take offense" and high fived each other as Yanks are prone to do. Lawrence commented later while in hospital, "we may have to shit into bags for the rest of our lives but it was totally awesome man," as he waved a severed bull's ear. Ever since getting impaled up the bum with eight inches of hard horn the brothers have not been able to stop smiling. Ah Spain, cum for the animal cruelty stay for the drunken gurls out on the club scene.