Thursday, July 12, 2007

Man On Fire.

He does a lot of standing about in this film.

I want to sing the praises of a film called, "Man on fire" the title suggests its about a bloke who got the clap and now pisses razor blades when he pees, well its not.

I found myself minding a lot of electrical equipment and DVDs for my mate Billy one ear. Nothing on the telly so I put on a DVD. The story has Denzil Washington has John Creasy a burnt out ex CIA assassin on the edge and listening to Linda Ronstadt CDs (poor bastard he must be on the edge) he gets a job body guarding the daughter of a rich bloke as played by Dakota Fanning.
Isn't she hot?

The story is set in Mexico city which gives it an excellent feel to it. Well he fucks up and the gurl is taken by kidnappers for ransom .

I hear you all saying, "who the fuck cares?" well not me so I'll continue. Creasy gives a little bit of kickass dialogue when he is talking to the gurl's mother and they think the kid is dead :

"I'm gonna kill em. Anyone who was involved. Anybody who profited from it. Anbody who opens their eyes at me."

The mother then rightly adds: "You kill em all."

Me being fond of the talkies I even watch the films with the commentary on, this film had commentary from the producer, screenplay writer and Dakota herself who was 8 when this was made.

Why the fuck did they have her, heres what wisdom she was able to add in her annoyingly high pitched voice. "look at Denzil's nose it looks huge but its not." That's right lass its all over his face isn't it? what about those rubber lips and that pube like head of hair? why did they not just give her a lolly to keep her quiet?

The movie is rated 18 and not to be viewed by anyone younger so whats she doing watching it? what is she special because shes in it? a bad example if you ask me and my people are looking into a possible lawsuit for my mental anguish. People getting shot and a guy with a bomb up his arse exploding, she did giggle when Denzil took off his rubber gloves as he was the one that put it up there.

What does a 8 or 9 year old have to say and do we want to hear it ? where are the parents while shes watching these kind of movies? I'm off to do a search for a child protection agency in the states and get her taken away from her neglectful parents, its the right time to do people if I don't you'll be seeing a film with dakota's titties bouncing around in a few years, do we need to see that?