Friday, July 20, 2007

A Waste Of Air # 1

Its Friday and I don't give a fuck, you know why? cos tomorrow I'm going to a friend's wedding and I'm going to get totally bluttered at the reception, or was it a funeral? you know he wasn't really much of a friend but at the wake or reception which ever one it is there will be lots of free drink.
Here is my second post today, scroll doon for the tits and tell me if you think they're real.

I have decided that the Baldwin brothers are a waste of time and should be destroyed. I used to like Alec as hes a good actor with great comic timing but he turned out to be just a prick, have you seen Malice? that's a good film a doctor who thinks hes God, surgeons wankers the lot of them. He looks like a bully that has to work at appearing nice to me, he exudes arrogance.
Billy is a tosser because he makes crap films and is a Baldwin I never liked him from the first and I usually have good instincts like that, I must be part dog . Daniel or "fat Baldwin" as I call him is a failed actor now on the reality show circuit, hes just out of rehab and wants to tell everyone about it, he'll no stay sober for long. He gets wasted and becomes a nasty piece of work just so self absorbed ready to take you doon with him.
Stephen Baldwin is a work of art, he did one cool film "the usual suspects" former coke head and threesome with a thong on his head kinda guy hes a born again Christian and not one of the quiet smug ones, he wears crosses and T-shirts with jesus logos, he doesn't know any scripture or any of the commandments but that doesn't matter to him because he doesn't think you have to know anything about the subject as long as you wear religious bling, just like after the film "The Craft" came out all the teenagers called themselves witches cos they saw the movie and had a pentagram and black clothes.To paraphrase Stephen and his words of wisdom he once said," there had better be a God because if there isn't then hes gonna have to answer to me Stephen Baldwin." He has a book called, "The usual suspect" quick go out and don't buy it now.