Thursday, July 5, 2007

Don't Fear The Raper.

Not again these trousers were clean on today.

The failing eyesight, liver spots and lack of bladder control are all tell tale signs of getting aging I think it all adds to my charm, here are some other things I've noticed as I get on a bit.

1)When an attractive gurl looks me up and doon with that look of lust (happens a lot) I no longer think "yep you like what you see baby" I think, " what the fuck is she looking at?"

2)You buy trousers to cover yer arse and don't care what they look like.

3)Instead of wearing cool black I have started wearing sky blue, trousers jacket and polo shirt, yep I look kewl.

4)The fact that I actually know that Anusol is better than Preparation H on the whole means I'm old.

5)It takes you only 20 seconds of talking to someone under 25 to decide that they must be retarded due to the gibberish they speak, what the fuck is a Wii and is there no cure ?

6)Having a crap is the highlight of yer day.

7)Making it to the toilet on time is a close second.

8)When it snows you don't think "Winter wonderland" and reach for yer gloves, you think about breaking yer hip on the ice and reach for a bucket of salt water for the path.

9)You think about death more and wonder about when you die will you be remembered for the man you were or for the bottle of piss found beside yer chair.

10)Farts are no longer funny, mostly because you don't notice doing them anymore until you feel the wet patch.