Saturday, August 11, 2007

Chip Pan Awareness Day.

Hello ladies, I'm Chip Pan. You must be tired because you've been running around in my head for hours, grab yer coat you've pulled.
A 20 year old man from Ballymoney (Northern Ireland) came home from a night out and put the chip pan on for something to eat. The pan went on fire and he was over come with the fumes.

To read between the lines he came in pished from the pub turned the cooker on and passed out on the sofa.

His mother, sister and two children got out of the hoose ok, nether of the two fire alarms were operational. This kind of shit happens all the time in fact an average of 46 people die every year in the UK due to chip pan fires.

Rev Dr Robert Coulter, the Ulster Unionist Party has called for a campaign known as Ban The Pan. He doesn't suggest that we Brits give up eating chips, for fucks sake that would be the end to his political career he merely suggests that everyone replaces their chip pans with an electric deep fat fryer with a thermostat or "dead man's switch" that cuts off the power when the user passes out.

Going by his picture you'd think the Rev would be a friend of the chip pan.

Very good Reverend Coulter electrical retailers all over the Province would be most happy at yer idea. I'm sure there will be a reduction in price in fact I'm sure the government will be giving out grants for everyone to replace their chip pan with a nice new lecky fryer, make it happen Rev.