Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I Want Truth, As Long As It Fits My Agenda

I think you might have some blood on yer own hands there mr Adams.

I have never Liked Sinn Fein politician Gerry Adams, mostly because hes a slimy deceitfully cunt as most politicians are but because he has covered for and conspired with the IRA for years now.
Some people just never know when to shut up, whether it be Prods or Taigs. I've heard the whining from the Republican side yet again accusing the British government of a "shoot to kill" policy and you know what? shooting terrorists dead seems like a good idea to me, its not like they were innocent and you don't shoot to wound its not the movies. I accused the IRA of having a "bombing to kill" policy and a lot of their targets were innocent so there.

Now Mr Adams is stirring up an accusation of state collusion in murders carried out by Protestant paramilitaries. What do I have to say about that? well the RUC (the police) being mostly Prods themselves ,some of them may have had sympathies to the loyalist cause in fact I know some did/do. Due to the 1998 peace accord the RUC was disbanded and reformed to a more Catholic friendly force with non-threatening uniforms and recruiting from the Catholic side.

What do you hope to achieve by this Mr Adams? keeping the hate alive huh? make sure you also seek out truth about "The disappeared" that 16 people who were abducted and murdered by Republicans only 5 have been found so far and that was because the IRA gave out details on where to find them. Look at the names and places on the web site , they are mostly Catholic themselves.

One example of the disappeared who was found in 2003 was Mrs McConville aged 37 a mother of 10. Why was she abducted , murdered and secretly buried by her own people? because she went to the aid of a fatally wounded British soldier outside of her front door in December 1972.

Don't sit in yer glass hoose throwing stones Mr Adams.