Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hey Putin!

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been pulling out all the stops to get noticed, a little like that other insecure leader Kim Jong Il.
Russia and China have been playing wargames demonstrating yet again what great pals they are becoming and Putin has got his nuke delivering planes up in the air flying training and patrol missions.

Yes Putin we know you can destroy the world and you want attention and won't be pushed around , very good now go and play.
Its America's fault he feels like this as the US has to realise they are not the only big nation that matters and cannot do as they please.

The worse of all the things Putin has done is that he has gone fly fishing in army trousers and without a shirt showing off his flabby muscles for the cameras that just happen to be there, hes a solid wee shite but I could take him.

Putin is developing a manly image for his people as he rides his horse in a muscle t-shirt and cowboy hat (has he not seen Brokeback Mountain?) its all seems very contrived and reminds me of a certain President in a pilot's flight suit playing the action hero role on an aircraft carrier.

Poor Putin and his tiny willy issues, his idea of foreplay is telling the woman he'll execute her family if she doesn't cum.

Never mind the hunting knives and judo (judo is so ghey) come over to Killamory and I'll take you out on the town on "fight night" er I mean Saturday night , if you get through that alive then you're a real man, oh yer buying the drink ya ugly Russian cont.