Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mongs, Whats That About?

I was reading a column in the paper that had this guy who is a therapist or something daft like that, not a real job. He was talking about people using the word "retarded" to describe the stupid actions of another or to insult someone as a "retard" for making a mistake. He said how much he disapproved of the expression as it insulted handicapped people.

I thought about this for a while and then burst out laughing at this bleeding heart, if people didn't get on like mongs then they wouldn't get called a mong.

Also tell all those retards to stop looking so fucking goofy all the time and take the handicapped role a bit more seriously those mongs are having way too much fun no wonder with people waiting on them hand and foot, cool robot things to talk through and wee motorised chairs to whizz about on, when did being fucking useless mean yer set for life? a 30 odd year life but still . The Romans and Spartans never had any mongs, they threw them over a cliff at birth if there was something wrong with them, of course they did have a stray dog problem.

Get all the tards out into the workforce, not just in I.T. and the police but in other areas, you never see "Tard porn?" any thoughts on the subject? I mean real tards not Paris Hilton. If ya cared about mongs then you should want them to get a happy ending now and again.

Don't get all teary eyed and angry at me they don't know what the fuck is going on at the best of times, and yes I fully expect a commenter or two to mention a mong relative they have, tell it to someone who woke up caring. I had one on a chain in my backyard, the wee fucker got out and bit one of the kids next door, I had to have Spunky put doon, the amount of grief I got from that kid's parents.
Mongs while protected under Human rights have 74% of their cells non-human or unknown. It is speculated by Jan Fran Jansen famed Swiss UFO-ologist that mongs are the result of failed Alien/hybrid breeding experiments gone wrong. I on the other hand think these mongs are super clever and its just an act and they are lazy fuckers who get some perverse pleasure out of creeping me out and making me feel uncomfortable. Can they not have plastic surgery or something? c'mon, people get their dogs done these days.

I have nothing against window lickers who stand inappropriately too close to you and try to be yer friend when you just want them to fuck off , however the best way to stop Global warming if it actually exists is to cut doon on people, something to think about.