Friday, August 10, 2007

Das Boot And I Don't Mean Yer Ma

So many films have been made about World War II, mainly because the generation that lived during it went on to live through the golden age of British cinema. Remember that Britain was still effected by rationing and conscription (national service) well into the 50's so it was still on their minds a lot. Every time I ate a tripe sandwich without the bread washed doon with muddy puddle water I cursed Hitler.

I loved the later war movies like "The great escape" and the "Guns of Navarrone" which was followed by "Force 10 from Navarrone" not to forget "A bridge too far" , "The longest day" and "The Eagle has landed" jam packed full of stars like the Oceans Eleven films of today but better. Believable action heroes that didn't knock doon helicopters with flying cars like that Die cast and live longer with Bruce Willis crap.

The British and Americans were the cowboys/good guys and the Germans/Japs were the single minded evil menace taking over from the Redskins of the old westerns.

Eventually movies evolved and started to look at the other side, sympathetic German soldiers who didn't believe in fascism but did their job anyway, war is hell movies . Yeah yeah the Jews had it rough did it give them character? no it turned them into right vicious cunts in Israel and taught them how to treat the enemy.
It all changes, you have Brad Pitt or Richard Gere playing IRA men and in time you'll have Hollywood stars playing brave Al-Qaeda freedom fighters fending off the evil yank invasion as the IRA have done against us evil British for years . Jack Nicholson is Chemical Ali, "You fuck with Allah and you'll get my burning Fatwa, you can't handle my burning fatwa."

I was watching that submarine film Das Boot (The boat for you yanks) originally a German mini series about a WWII sub crew and the horrors of war yadda yadda now a feature film and held up to be a masterpiece, well its the biggest load of boring old shite I've ever watched much like Ingmar or was it Ingrid Bergman's movies? the one who just died recently Swedes, Germans its all double Dutch to me.

Well Das Boot tried to make you see the submariners as human even though they were the enemy. I must of missed the point or something all I was thinking about was how fucking ugly the whole cast was and where the hell was the remote control?
At the end they reached a port and got out and then a couple of allied planes came out of the sky shooting and bombing the fuck out of everything, is this the part where you feel concern for those you've followed for two hours? well I cheered and was shouting at the screen where the planes should shoot, I shout at the TV a lot. At the end most of the crew died, was it poignant? fuck no a happy ending no less.

Hey don't call me emotionally unavailable I know you're going to. I get choked up at the end of Schindler's list and at the end of Saving Ryan's privates. I have pretty clear cut views as to who is worthy or not of sympathy and that's without the help of the movie makers, that 21 grams film was a laugh riot, a right feel good movie. I'd totally ride that Noami Watts or Nicole Kidman lite as I call her.