Saturday, August 4, 2007

Whats Up Dawg?

The care taker at actor Ving Rhames' hoose was mauled to death by two of the dogs he looked after.
Three bull mastiffs and an English bulldog were taken by animal services still leaving several dogs on the premises. Its thought that at least two of the dogs taken were responsible for the attack as they were still licking their lips.

Among the actor's dogs its thought he has 8 Fila Brasileiro mastiffs which is the national dog of Brazil and yes it does have a great big shapely arse, they were used by US Marines in jungle warfare and anyone who uses dogs to fight for them probably also used them for gurlfriend substitutes knowing the US Marines.

You see a tragedy perpetrated by big aggressive dogs, me I suspect not fowl or canine play but lemur play. It would be just like them to put the blame on dumb dogs.

Mr Rhames whats with all the big dogs and the big muscles? I think someone did not live up to the stereotype of blackmen having big dicks, well that's according to yer Ma (insert self into derogatory comment) Ving was not at home when the incident happened but has expressed deep regret yet pride that the caretaker's last act was to make sure the doggies were fed, well at least two of them.

Snoop dog was heard to comment earlier about the attack, "fo-jizzle my nizzle" we think he was on the pot, really we only asked him because hes black and the dog reference.

Dog the bounty hunter was unavailable for a comment.

Ronnie Barker is dead.

Cat Stevens was able to comment while being detained at the airport he said, "death to the west."