Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Devine Retribution


Patrick Devine the Queen's University student sent to an African prison for mooning at the home of a Senegalese governor has been given a suspended sentence and a fine of £200.

His lawyer Moustapha Crap said his client deeply regretted his act. No shit the lad spent almost four weeks in jail, he now has to get used to his own name as for all that time he was called "Bitch."

Devine was in Senegal as part of a volunteer teaching project and was teaching the street children how to moon obviously as a form of social protest or he did it as a dare from a friend one of the two.

A local man restrained him until the police got there. Fuck the Irish are tough.

Well done, lets hope you can manage to go straight now and stop acting the lad. I think Pee Wee Herman should play you in the movie version of events.