Tuesday, August 14, 2007

One Year Old Today You Cunts Thought I Wouldn't Make It But Oh No What Does My Piss Taste Like Now?

I got an award, not one of yer pass it on to 8 other meme awards either this is an OBE (Old Bitter Egocentric award) the Queen gave me this for raising the standards for blogging over the past year, this and a case of the clap.

Tomorrow is my old Ma's birthday and the anniversary for the Omagh bombing but who gives a shit because today is my blog birthday. One year old. At The Start I sat and looked at my blog for 2 days before I posted because I said, "what the fuck do I want a blog for?" well it so happened that the blogosphere really needed me and so here I am.
If you want to read my first proper post on Fat Sparrow's blog then go HERE if you don't then fuck off back to yer Alpine gardening you corn farmer.

Its been an interesting year of blogging, I've entertained, pissed off and broke a few hearts along the way, a few of my original readers still come around and I've got a ton of new ones all bright and shiny like I once was. Thankyou all for reading and I hope I don't waste yer time too much with shite posts and dirty pictures.

Speaking of which they say money can't buy you happiness but it can buy you this lass. I managed to track doon my niece after they deported her, well I think its my niece as they all tend to look the same to me, what am I bid? do I hear £2000 ?

Ok I actually do give a fuck about my Ma's birthday and the Omagh bombing, two occasions I'll never forget.