Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Taughmonagh Justice

In a civilised society the police would punish criminals, this fate awaits those who have spammed me.

In South Belfast some people in the neighbour went to the local law enforcement no not the police (they didn't do anything) but rather the Protestant paramilitaries to help them sort out a drug dealer in the area. The paramilitaries (the UDA) said they wouldn't help as they are trying to get funding from the government (wink wink nudge nudge) but two masked men stepped forward to help, not from the UDA of course, oh no because that would be bad.

The drug dealer was publicly tarred and feathered while the neighbour watched and took photos. By the time the police got there everyone had gone, way ta go police at least you bothered to turn up.

In a police statement: "No place in civilised society for people taking the law into their own hands resulting in such a brutal and barbaric attack" and they should have added, "its not fair stop being bad, our officers are too frightened to leave the station sometimes."

Civilised society? what the fuck this is south Belfast we're talking about here, lucky the council cut doon the hanging tree last year.