Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Skinny Dying Fuckers And Love Sick Junkies.

To remind you all what a celebrity hoor I am I want to give two actors a wake up shout.
Keira Knightly its true I don't think much of yer acting and yer voice and chavette chin wobble gets to me something bad. Yer a beautiful gurl, not hot nor sexy but beautiful but you need to eat something and keep it doon (and I don't mean doon the toilet) get some meat on those bones of yers you look like an albino Ethiopian.

I like Owen Wilson hes funny cunt and enjoyable to watch. Two months ago he broke up with Kate Hudson and is still whining about it, move on lad she has, get out there and shag a different bird every night, when ya fall off the horse you get back on it and besides Hudson isn't anything special you can do better.

Wilson who is partial to a drop of cocaine or heroin and suffers from depression ended up taking some pills and slashing his wrists in a cry for help, er I mean a suicide attempt . Yer 38 for fucks sake you had better wise up before you get to 40 if you make it as a fool at 40 is indeed a fool.
Suicide is one of the most selfish things to do ever, especially when Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller depend on you to star in their films. Buck up lad, snap out of it and pull yerself together, remember 'bros before hose.' A saying amongst firemen I do believe.