Thursday, April 12, 2007

An American Of Course

Enjoy yer coffee in yer Caffe with the one too many 'f's , you have doubted the manhood of my entire nation (even the weemen)and I suspect you to be in collusion with the Iranians how does yer coffee taste now? bitter like my balls?

I just knew you cunts would annoy me when I started this Blog and here it is. A couple of days short of my 8 month anniversary and I've had to put one of my long time insulters er commenters into The Gallery of Wankers. I actually thought I'd have more of you in there but no one bit with all the brabbling bait I've been writing.

Poor old Rich, the constant amount of coffee combined with a marching band addiction has been his doon fall, please feel free to click on the gallery to view his shame.

After we finish our coffee we'll have lots of cowboy bumsex, that should cheer you up spidy.