Friday, April 13, 2007

Because Paul Is A Nice Guy

A man you can trust.

Paul Wolfowitz who is the President of the World Bank and the chief Architect responsible for invasion of Iraq even though he was excused from military service in Vietnam through student deferments so knows fuck all about war like the rest of the Bush Admin is in a spot of trouble for promoting and advancing the career of his gurlfriend who is also a World Bank employee. There was reports of them having broken up but we here at Old Bitter Balls know a load of old balls when we hear it.
Wolfowitz is descended from Polish Jews who moved to the states in 1920 to escape persecution though many of his family left behind died in the Holocaust . You'd think being the ultimate targets for hate would bring you to some understanding of hate itself but it seems to make you just like those who persecuted you in the first place, much like the abused becoming the abusers. Paul's father was a Zionist so he was a bit unstable to start with, Paul's sister immigrated to Israel so ya got some bitter Jews here and throw in a smidgeon of Slav and you have a recipe for destruction.
He has apologised for promoting his gurl and claims it wasn't self interest so that should be ok then. I'm not sure if hes still paying her the big bucks for her um rent.

Has it not occurred to anyone that maybe the woman in question Shaha Riza is worth the big bucks? maybe she is just better than everyone else.

Shaha Riza, she can't type but she gives good dictation , she can't use a computer for fear of breaking her nails but who cares, this gurl is worth the big bucks and the scandal.

Ok then this is really Riza, different story now, crucify the fuckers. Would I give her a big raise?