Friday, April 20, 2007

A Voice To Be heard.

Not many people are able to impress Old Knudsen but this one has. Author of the book 'Trouble with Islam Today: A Muslim’s Call for Reform in her Faith.' Irshad Manjl is a Canadian leezer with a brilliant intellect and uncommon courage. Death threats come with the territory but this doesn't stop her asking her questions and trying to understand the moronic Islamic extremist mindset, something all right thinking Muslims should be against.

Irshad looks at the way many Muslims cry discrimination and call for beheadings when the Prophet Muhammad is insulted and say this is merely freedom of speech, never minding the freedom of speech of those who say anything that the Muslims don't like, a nice wee double standard there.

She points out that offense is not discrimination and living in a diverse society you run the risk of being offended, that's the price you pay.

I guess in other words if you don't like someone pointing out what oppressive 7th century thinking you're living by then fuck off back to your 3rd world sand box and fuck a Camel.

Its refreshing to find this gurl with a passion to discover and understand with a ton of common sense which helps her cut through the bullying and bullshit. I will seek out her book and read it. I am now giving her the dubious honour of being an honourary Bitter Balls.