Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Sheep Are The New Weemen

"oooohhhh thats super. Mario my Latin lover you're so hot but its a pity you can't get erections so you invade little islands to feel like a big man."

Its been 25 years since the Falklands war, I remember it well. The Bloody Latins from Argentina thought because Britain was thousands of miles away they could invade the islands all because they call them 'Islas Malvinas' and they were close. They held the 150 islanders and marines in the capital's Town hall at Port Stanley. Well you know the score, Britain went nuts, Maggie Thatcher scratched her balls and thought. The Americans scratched their heads and said "what the fuck?" so we sent troops doon there along with Prince Andrew the spare to the throne (just like Harry) and we saved the sheep population from Argie rape.
I chronicled my part in the war in an earlier post but I don't want to be called a hero, even if I may happen to be one and was over looked for a medal and various Blog awards but there you have it, I'm not bitter, no wait a mo I am bitter and so are my balls.
At that time there were more sheep on the islands than people, it was a time of free love just like the 60's though I spent most of the 60's dressed in riot gear beating stoned hippies (sorry Paddy) now the population is almost 3000, as well as islanders of French, Portuguese and Scandinavian descent there are a few Chileans (spies probably) and a large Ulster Scots population but that's no surprise we get everywhere and I may have added to that myself when I was there. The Argies won't attack now with lots of mini Knudsens running around being vile and base, brabbling with their own shadows .

Argentina having provided a haven for many a fleeing German Nazi and giving them roles in their military have shown themselves to be a pack of crusty cunts. Over the past 25 years they have harassed The Falkland islands any way they can in a cowardly passive aggressive way like penalising companies that do business with the islands but that's the Latin way, in a crowd they are big men but on their own they fear our British might and superiority, a lot like the Sand savages, and they all look the same too.
The people of Whitby are also partial to a bit of lamb with mint sauce if you know what I mean.

Since my last Falkland's post which I got Falkland island hits on I've become a celebrity there in which they burn Old Knudsen effigies and symbolically spit on old people and then get drunk on sheepahol which is the main type of grog and talk shite in the style of a Knudsen.

I support any colony that proudly shows a sheep on their flag, no wonder the jealous Argies want the islands, I mean have you seen their Latin weemen?