Thursday, April 12, 2007

Friday The 13th

Ohhh love ta love ya baby. Old Knudsen is very unsure but strangely aroused.

It is Old Knudsen's aim to make everyone lucky today by putting up a picture that is so nasty you'll curse yerself for clicking onto my Blog of misfortune, if this picture or the one above it is the worse that today can bring then by my logic you'll be lucky. If not then I've just added to yer woes and got Kav and Sassy fired for surfing the web when they should have been working, ah well.
This post is dedicated to all those Paraskevidekatriaphobics out there, thats people afflicted with a morbid, irrational fear of Friday the 13th, before we start I should just say wise up ya fucking wusses I bet ya also sleep with the light on too.

Many cities do not have a 13th Street or a 13th Avenue. Many buildings don't have a 13th floor. If you have 13 letters in your name, you will do the devil's work ,Jack the Ripper, Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer and Theodore Bundy . Yes Jack the Ripper was his actual name.

There is a superstition that if 13 people sit down to dinner together, all will die within the year, please try it out. the Norse had this fear as played out in their mythology.

Twelve gods were invited to a banquet at Valhalla. Loki, the evil one and greatest Blogger in the world had been left off the guest list but crashed the party, bringing the total number of attendees to 13. True to character, Loki raised hell by goading Hod, the blind god of winter, to attack Balder the Good, who was a favorite of the gods. Hod took a spear of mistletoe offered by Loki and obediently hurled it at Balder, killing him instantly. All Valhalla grieved and left nasty comments on his Blog. The Norse Gods at this party did all die.

There was said to be 13 at the last supper and that didn't turn out too well and Friday was the day of the week on which Christ was crucified.

It was on a Friday, that Eve tempted Adam with the forbidden fruit. The Great Flood began on a Friday, God tongue-tied the builders of the Tower of Babel on a Friday, the Temple of Solomon was destroyed on a Friday and it was on a Friday that I got my test results about the rash.

In pagan Rome, Friday was execution day (later Hangman's Day in Britain those were the days), but in other pre-Christian cultures it was a day of worship.
The name "Friday" cums from the Norse deity Frigg or Freya, both figures have intertwined over time.
Thirteen had been revered in prehistoric goddess-worshiping cultures, because it corresponded to the number of lunar menstrual cycles in a year, its all about the Vadge with those weemen.

When the Patriarchal religions grew stronger the early Christian leaders made Friday a day not to worship on as that's what the dirty heathens did, you can call it 'Good Friday' all you want but Jesus didn't think it was so good.

Over time the unlucky 13 and Friday bumped uglies and for those with nothing better to do became a thing to be feared. Unlucky Friday + unlucky 13 = unluckier Friday. Then there was those Friday 13th slashers films which were all shite and as scary as a puppy.

The Chinese regard the number 13 as lucky, as did the Egyptians in the time of the Pharaohs but the Chinese are dog eating morons and the Pharaohs are long dead so what do they know?
Enjoy yer Friday, 13th or no because it is a Friday and its the weekend yay! drink! gurls! party! and those that work on weekends well you're just naturally unlucky, God has to fuck some people over so the others can have a good time.