Sunday, April 22, 2007

My Fatwa Leaks When I Fart.

Getting yer head hacked off by a pre teen with a knife is not a fun way to go but this brutality and savagery is the reason why they are winning.

There is a video circulating of a beheading of an alleged US spy by Talliban forces in Afghanistan, the shocking thing is that it was done by what looks to be a 12 year old boy, he uses a knife to hack off the man's head while all the nice religious folks around him yell "God is great" , the boy then holds up the head by the hair.

Its worst than that folks, the 12 year old boy is actually Ralph Macchio the star of at least 8 of the 27 Karate Kid movies. Macchio while being 46 years old can still pass for a 12 year old and much to his embarrassment is asked for ID when he goes out for a drink.

Its not that the roles of awkward teen ran out its the fact that he got so bitter at not being taken seriously as an actor and getting the roles to suit his age that he ran off not to join the Circus but to join the Taliban, they are still a bunch of clowns but their dancing bears are way cooler than any fucking Circus.

The gimmick to the Karate Kid films was a special move he'd learn and after he took a beating worthy of Rocky he'd use the move in the last 5 minutes, winning the day the gurl, restoring his honour and getting a smug slitty eyed smile from his trainer. Pretty shite but the kind of mong that would pay money to watch this in the cinema or to rent it out deserves it.