Sunday, April 1, 2007

Death To Iran

Look at that, they have to throw hexagon rocks in order to obey the Koran no doubt, real men throw half bricks. My Bible can kick yer Koran's arse, it says so somewhere at the back

200 students threw rocks and firecrackers at the British Embassy on Sunday, because Britain had the audacity to have 15 service men and woman ambushed and kidnapped by the Iranian Government.

The protesters chanted "Death to Britain" and "Death to America" as they hurled stones into the courtyard of the embassy. They also demanded that the Iranian government expel the British ambassador and close down the embassy, calling it a "den of spies."

Over the years I've grown to hate students, for people in supposed higher education they are real stupid fuckers, especially the laws students, they are the ones with the biggest mouths thinking they have all the rights and are better than those who had to leave school and get a job at 16 because their family didn't have money so then you punch them out to remind them they live in the real world where my fists of fury are the law.

Why are these twats not off getting drunk as normal students would ? oh that's right these wankers aren't man enough to touch a dog or secure in their sexuality to see weemen as an equal never mind have a shot of Whiskey.

I have really had enough of Muslim extremists/zealots, you're Persians, stop getting on like a bunch of Arabs.
If the BBC asks Muslims about the chanting for death they will try to restrain their madness and calmly say how they don't wish harm on the people of America or the West just the governments, the way I see it you can't harm one without the other.

Old Knudsen calls for "Death to Iran." See how you like that you cunts.