Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Let Them Eat Cake

While I'm on the subject of angry sex did you hear about the Tsunami about a week ago in the Solomon islands? about 39 people dead which is always unfortunate. They have been complaining about the lack of government aid to help them.

Then I got to thinking if a disaster happened 100 years ago what did they do? did they go on about the bloody government? what about Pompeii when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD hiding the city for 1,600 years, did the people expect Rome to send out a task force and help the survivors live, if so would it be ROMA and not FEMA?

When Katrina hit a lot of the people huddled in a Stadium and waited for help or on their roof tops, then they complained when it wasn't fast enough, and played the race card, victims to be sure.

Heres my point, poor people in a disaster are just as fucked as those 100 years ago, no in fact Oxfam will send you mosquito nets for yer bed, you know the bed that floated away on you but getting a package always cheers people up.

Everyone thinks they live in a socialist country when mother nature destroys their town a most convenient attitude, sorry folks if you were rich or famous you'd get help stat as rich and famous people are at least 1000 times more better and important than poor people, that's the way it is their lives are far more valuable and their shit don't stink. A 1000 troops could die in Iraq but if one of them was a famous American Footballer guess who gets the air time? poor or unfamous families don't grieve or feel pain, that's a proven medical fact.

The most vile and widely read newspaper in Britain by the common man 'The Sun' would have headlines like this and in this order.

'The Queen is recuperating after her ingrown toenail surgery' full story centre pages.

'Off To Phwoarr' Page 3 beauties Ruth, Becky and Mel visit the troops.

' Is Robbie off to rehab again?'

'3000 killed in an earthquake in Wherethefuckistan' see blurb on page 12.