Thursday, April 19, 2007

If I Don't Say It Who Will?

Shes thinking, " well I did the dishes, folded the clothes but I get the feeling I've forgotten something." Can you see what this Maoist Guerilla has forgotten? answer at the bottom of this post.

I'm no fan of people going into schools and killing people, ones I can think off straight off are the Hungerford massacre, the Columbine shootings, the attack on the Amish school which as far as I know doesn't have a catchy name and now the one in Virginia.
I have sympathy for the 32 victims and the families of the victims as much as I do for the 183 people who have just died in Baghdad in four bomb attacks but I really doubt they'll be getting face time on the telly or even onto t-shirts, now that makes you think and if it doesn't you're a plonker, get off my Blog.

Life is a lottery and not everyone can win, you just never know. How can anyone feel safe anywhere on a planet spinning in space full of meteors and aliens and in a world over population by self destructive dickheads?

I've been around the Blogs a bit and I see a fair bit about gun control, every time something like this happens that's the cry you hear. What about car control everytime some drunken twat on a cell phone ploughs into the family Mini van? Cars kill more people every year than guns do. Hey even the Empire state building has its own body count.

Cho Seung-Hui the 23 year old turd stain with a small penis was a nutter, he wanted to kill people and would have found a way no matter what, legal guns, illegal guns, bombs made out of shit, a hammer, knife or a can of petrol he would of found a way and it was his choice, what are you going to have petrol control? well about fucking time , you never hear of people getting doused with solar panels and burned alive.

One of the victims was a Jewish professor Liviu Librescu who had survived the Holocaust and now was shot by a pathetic mong as he helped his students escape, and this on Holocaust memorial day. I bet Cho was well too busy being a fruitcake to even notice the irony.

I'm for guns, sure do background checks and make sure they are sober etc but why should I a military trained weapons handler be unarmed when the yellow hordes are carrying Glock 17's ?
Would this wanker take on armed teachers just waiting for a student to turn bad? the fuck he would, he maybe nuts but he was no doubt a coward as well.

I say put a control on Koreans, its them that kill people not guns.

Cho was such a nice little boy, there was never any sign he would turn out like this.

I do like to set myself up for the moral high grounders and the guilt trip comments, you do a funny story about brain cancer and then someone leaves an anonymous comment about how their poor old Ma died from it, whats that supposed to achieve? I do believe I mentioned about not giving a fuck, callous sure but there go I but for the grace of God.

The Maoist Guerilla forgot to make the effort with her appearence, c'mon gurl with a bit of makeup and a smile you might not be so ugly looking.