Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Even Hitler Had A Nice Side.

Adolf Hitler is known to the world as a monster who killed millions during the second world war, well I say he had a nice side to him c'mon no ones perfect. Hitler was an animal lover and had two dogs Blondi and her offspring Wulf so I think that shows he wasn't all that bad. Well sure he may of had a Doctor test the strength of a Cyanide capsule on Blondi before he committed suicide but still.

I'm plumb tuckered out as our American friends would say. I've been doing a lot of random acts of kindness and some charity work but I don't want to talk about it as that may seem like bragging. Did you see the sunrise today? wasn't it glorious? I stood there and wept thinking about our Lord Jesus and his sacrifice he made for us and I felt unworthy yet blessed.