Sunday, April 29, 2007

Rob Harley And the Whalers.

Carlos the gay bandit, we loved that crazy fucker and how, this is his finest moment and the last time we were to see our bronzed Latin hunk, taken by Big Dick, his parents were not surprised when we told them.

I once sailed aboard the whaling ship Innuendo under Captain Harley . A big black ship full of seamen that ploughed its way through the water with stamina.

Admiral White of the pocket battleship HMS Flaccid could never keep up with the Innuendo. There would be the call "all hands on dick" (the first mate had a speech impediment) with a flurry of action we'd gain on the Flaccid and with a big swell we'd splash all over its aft and pull away laughing never to call again. Admiral White was Impotent in the face of our abilities.

Captain Rob Harley was a man obsessed, years ago the great pink sperm whale 'Big Dick' had taken his leg and his lunch money and now he wanted revenge or at least his money back . He kept himself locked up in his cabin until the shout "Derby whales" went out. He'd cum out in a foul mood and then we'd all pretend to work.

Apache Joe who was part Cherokee and part Irish as most Yanks claim to be was our chief harpooner and apple polisher, he loved to thrust his javelin at anything that moved.

In all my years of hunting Sperm whales and Jizz fish I only saw Big Dick (the whale that is) once .
It played with us cuming and going, up and doon, it knew what it was doing pure evil as many of us just wanted to get the job done and have a cigarette. The big pink bastard was trying to tease and get a rise out of Captain Harley.

Apache Joe with a full compliment of harpoons shot his full load but in his excitement he was premature which was very embarrassing for the old hand.
I could almost hear the whale laugh as it lifted it's fin and shot its sea custard all over us before it swam away.
Never one to miss an opportunity the captain sold the whale muck to Ponds who used it for face cream.

I left the Innuendo shortly afterwards as all that rough tossing seaman bit was too ghey even for my tastes. I heard that Captain Harley gave birth to a large fish like creature he named 'Little Dick' and calmed doon about the whole vengeance thing and can be heard saying things like "would you like to see a picture of Little Dick's first blow?" hes never short of crew but they always leave disappointed.