Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Play That Funky Music White Bear

Two of natures cute and cuddly animals together in harmony. You can tell from it's rear the bear is on its moons, the Seal must of said it looked fat.

Political correctness or PC is a term that popped up in the 80's to annoy people and accuse straight talking people of being trouble making bigots and enemies of the community nay humanity .
Old Knudsen as we all know is a trouble making bigot and enemy of the community nay humanity and it took years of talking to morons to achieve this level of enlightenment so appreciate it.
There is some debate as to when it all started. I suspect it was a self fulfilling prophecy brought on by the hype of the 1949 George Orwell book '1984' and leading up to that year. A little like waiting for the end of the world at the year 2000, I know I stocked up on beer and beans.
Curbing the way people spoke and thought the Newspeak in the book 1984 has the government parring doon everyday language to omit certain words like 'freedom' and 'uprising' , if there isn't a word for it and it can't be said then it can't be thought.
How many words like honour , dependability and integrity seem to be falling into obscurity today?
Now there is an emphasis on being pimps, thugs and playas with high energy adrenaline pumping fast action impact. Entertainment and commercials are blasted at high speed and changing how we think, yeah I know half of you young uns have attention deficit but the thumb reflexes of Superman, I don't expect you to get this far or even know what I'm talking about.
Newspeak fits in nicely with political correctness and the buzzwords used to avoid offense and change the tone.
Coloured people are now People of colour as to not upset anyone that isn't white though white is a colour so I'll guess we should use Caucasian but I'm Scottish and I'm not from The Caucus so I'm highly offended, not that race issues are ever addressed because that would be racist.

The words 'Collateral Damage' was not only a shite Arnie film but is a more acceptable way of saying 'Civilian Casualties' , then theres Pro Life used to demonise
those who agree with killing babies (call it what it is) and Pro Choice for those that are too pigheaded to see any other options.

How about some face time next week to think outside the box and streamline a real time exit strategy for Iraq?

No matter what opinion you voice there is no right or wrong one (except mine which is always right terms and conditions may apply) there is just different.

In that contradicting country of America they have this idea called 'The Constitution', good as a theory but once its used to have the final word on discussion it shows its flaws.

You have freedom of speech so all those supposedly good people blogging away not using terms like black, ghey or even the title miss so they don't offend anyone now find themselves standing up for or at least tolerating the rights of Nazis or White er I mean Causasian Supremacists speaking and spreading their poison to young impressionable minds, these people shouldn't be allowed to speak they should be double tapped in the head in case they breed they are rotting away at society.

I like to play Devils advocate, I also like to play Twister with hot naked weemen whose husbands are bravely serving aboard (keeping the home fires burning, VD in other words) I don't know why I told you that. I feel like I can tell you anything, well except about the orgy I had in the 70's with that swinging pop sensation Fleetwood Mac, that was a nasty affair that I still get nightmares from. You know I still get a Christmas card every year from Lindsey Buckingham, what a nice lad.