Monday, April 23, 2007

The Anti meme

"I don't know what to post, I know I'll do yet another meme."

1) What do you hate about the world? fuckers that do memes all the time.

2) What do you like about yourself? that I don't do memes all the time.

3) Why do you think that anyone is really interested in you? because I'm so interesting.

4) Do you think they really care about your favourite mood? everybody hangs on my every word.

5) Has your head ever totally disappeared up your own hole yet? tastes like chicken.

6) Have you ever tasted sperm that's over 3 days old? I choose not to answer this.

7) What makes your shopping lists so interesting? repetition, more memes = more fun.

8) Why are you still answering? caught up in the moment.

9) Why haven't you deleted your blog yet? I really should shouldn't I?

10) What are you going to use pills or a razor blade? 12 gauge in the mouth.

11) Things I regret: doing this meme.

12) Who would you really like to just punch in the face? Shatner.

14) Things That Scare Me: Thinking that no one wants to read my memes.

15) Things I don't understand: life which is why I'll never truly be evolved and break this chain of reincarnation.

16) Things I regret: Wasting the time of others with memes.

17) do you ever see or hear things that aren't really there? How can I if they aren't really there?

18) Who is the most interesting person you know? Me , hence the meme.

19) If you could clone one person for an orgy who would you clone? Me duh!

20) What is your favorite curse word? meme.

Why do I post this? because you are all boring and self involved cunts that think someone else really cares about what you have for breakfast, really they only want to shag you or laugh at you so wise up you boring shites and quit it with the memes. Feel free to do this meme if you love the smell of yer own farts that much.