Friday, April 6, 2007

Pick The Peanuts Out Of This.

When Old Knudsen heard the news of the attack he jumped into action. Well to be honest I get all my info from the orient via a slow boat from China and Harry Carry who is fond of his opium so it may be weeks before I find anything out.
One of our own was viciously attacked and left for dead, read the full story here.
The attacker was described as a yellow man wearing a top hat and carrying a walking stick.
As this Blogger lives in Japan that could be anyone, go on you try telling them apart.
The victim was Gaijin Gurl and the motive for the attack is unknown.

The arm of Old Knudsen is very long I had my man go around Japland asking any shifty looking people if they knew any thing about the attack, we soon found out there are a lot of shifty looking people in Nipon, must be the slitty eyes.
We happened upon a fella named Tamigotchi Tophato who fitted the bill. I did not hesitate on giving the order to grab him off the streets, no one needs a nut like him running around, we put the squeeze on him and the fucker cracked, he spilled his guts so we dumped him for the police to find and to serve as a warning to other nutcases, who cares if a nut gets assaulted? Gaijin Gurl has been avenged.

See what happens when you fuck with a Blogger? Vengeance is mine saith Old Knudsen.