Friday, November 9, 2007

At Least He Wasn't Speeding

He doesn't look drunk does he? he looks like miscarriage that somehow survived .

Ex movie star, wannabe boxer and IRA supporter Mickey Rourke was arrested in Miami for drunk driving on a scooter, a fucking Vespa is there no end to this guy's level of cool?

The 51 year old pseudo tough guy who can actually act but is a twat in real life was touring about at 4.20am swerving and making u-turns when the police stopped him.

He became uncooperative and slurred that he wasn't drunk as he didn't have that much to drink, the man is of bog trotter blood, straight drinking for 6 hours isn't considered that much but the Yank breathalyzers are probably set to American levels, a bass sandy gets a yank tipsy.

I just wanted to post this because I hate Mickey Rouke and his little foo foo dog "Loki" and that his mugshot just needed to be on my blog, you want tits? Mickey Rouke is a right tit.