Sunday, November 18, 2007

Mad In China

Chen Ruyan, who worked at a recycling station in the Chinese central province of Hubei, was preparing lunch last Sunday.

The rice dough he was preparing for making rice dumplings was quite watery and he decided to add more rice flour.

The silly cuff link mistook a box of rat poison that was placed with the other condiments as flour , probably due to his eyes not being able to open fully (slitty eyes) and mixed it in.

Chen who sold rat poison as a business had put the chemicals there by mistake, six people including Chen himself were killed.
Who is going to miss 6 chinks out of over a billion that look the exact same? I think its funny that they trust a seller of poison to cook for them, they won't make that mistake again.

Never trust a priest, a gym teacher, a bald barber , a politician or government official its as easy as that and keep everyone else at arms length.

I bet those hungry little gooks wolfed the food doon, the only fat chink I ever saw was Buddha, that bloke ate out of self loathing due to low esteem and because Muhammad kept making fat jokes and sly comments about teaching others self control.

I was going to boycott Chinese products after the Aqua Dot fiasco but found it too difficult, is Taiwan China? I know the Chinese think so. I'll just stick to boycotting Burmese blood rubies, not like I was going to buy them anyway, the Chinese buy them off Burma and use them in jewelry, the cunts are all in it together.

While we're being political, "Hey China!" stop imprisoning and torturing the followers of Falun Gong, its been going on too long now and is pissing me off. There, thats that taken care of.

And remember:
Crowded elevator always smell different to midget.