Thursday, November 15, 2007

Saudi Justice An Oxymoron ?

More Saudi justice as a 15 year-old boy gets beheaded in August 2007, bare footed and facing Mecca.

You'd think that a 19 year old gurl getting gang raped 14 times was the worse that could be done to her, well not in Saudi Arabia.

The gurl who was from the Shia minority was raped by seven Sunni men, these men have been caught and sentenced to terms in prison from under a year to five years.

The gurl was sentenced to receive 90 lashes for being in the car of an unrelated man in the first place thus breaking the segregation laws. Pretty fucking barbaric huh? was the rape not enough punishment ?

Her case was appealed but the judge said she was using the media to aggravate and influence so he doubled the rapists sentences which is good for them as they could of got death and her sentence was raised to 200 lashes and a six month prison term.

The victim's lawyer was suspended from the case, has had his licence to work confiscated, and faces a disciplinary session.

Fucking sheet wearing savages, these are our allies so what does that say about us?

Then you have to have President Musharraf being funded by the US in power in Pakistan because hes strong and an ally against terrorism (allegedly) in a dodgy area and its better the Devil you know even though he just had all the lawyers arrested, I am mostly being disgusted at the world today.