Sunday, November 4, 2007

Lazy Sunday

From the Blogger who brought you this.

And how could you forget this?

Now brings you this.

So anyway I've been doing a ton of serious pissed off posts recently if you don't believe me look at my other blogs.

I guess after I was raped by that cheerleading squad the funny has just gone, who the fuck knew that cheerleaders could be men? Would I have been lying naked in their changing rooms with my strawberry flavoured condoms if I had known cheerleaders could be men? that's a rhetorical question ya cunts.
They don't even taste like strawberry in case you were wondering, being a tightwad (insert crude joke here) I use them for sex then as chewing gum its the Scots in me and I don't mean the cheerleaders, that's as bad as male nurses, how ghey can you get? (no offense to you ghey male nurses out there) but really, man up.

Do I need an excuse to post this picture? no I do it cos I can.

I really can't be bothered today, its Sunday go spent the day with the Lord. I do have one bit of Blogging advice for you lesser Bloggers who aren't getting many visitors. On my blog "Bitter Old Balls" (don't expect a link ya lazy fuckers its on my sidebar) which contains the many wonderful pictures on myself I have the poster for the hit TV series 24.

The title of the post is 24" cock. Upon looking at my shite meter I have received many visitors from all over the world (and many from the south of England) who searched for 24" cock, it must have been a real anti-climax for them to find my post which is # 11 on the search for 24" cock.

Thanks to this anonymous Blogger for a picture of his tiny penis, I needed a good laugh, at least its good for something, yer secret is safe with me, I'll act all cool when I reply to yer comment, and you had better comment or I'm telling its yers.

If 24"cock is a little too risque for you then do a post about a penis enlargement and mention a brand name such as Herbalife (a friend uses it, honestly) I have got many searches for that, we men are a gullible and fragile bunch.

I hope I have been some help to you, ok I'm off I'm expecting Salma (Hayek that is) as she wants me to look after our wee gurl Valentina for a few hours while she and Francois hit the Killamory boutiques. I'm thinking of bonding with the gurl by teaching her how to smoke, ach ya can never be too young to learn.