Saturday, November 10, 2007

Lyrical Knudsen

She has a face for a suicide bomber and whats with the black clothes are you a ninja?

23-year-old Samina Malik from west London who called herself the "Lyrical Terrorist" has become the first woman in the UK to be convicted under the Terrorism Act.

The Terrorism act means you can't go around talking smack about yer cuntry and supporting its enemies. She was found guilty of owning terrorist manuals.

Malik had also written poems praising Osama Bin Laden, supporting martyrdom and discussing beheading, she posted these onto websites as the "Lyrical Terrorist" . Malik worked at WH Smith (book shop type place) at Heathrow airport until her arrest, it wasn't thought that she had any of the terrorist stuff with a purpose in mind so she won't get a harsher sentence.

She denies everything and says her poems were meaningless and hey who doesn't have a copy of the Al Qaeda manual and the Mujahideen poison handbook? Malik said she had only called herself the Lyrical Terrorist "because it sounded cool". Not so tough now.

She is a supporter of the sand savages and now its just gotten real for her, martyrdom doesn't sound so appealing being a martyr, merely possessing the stuff she had is a serious criminal offence, the poems and sharing extremist views on the net was just icing on the cake.

Lucky its the UK you live in because if you broke the law in butt fuck camel land yer head would be cut off by little boys or you'd be stoned to death.

RMD ahead: Rhyme of Mass Distress.

Bin Ladens not cool,

the bitch is just a fool,
trained by the CIA,

is bound to make him ghey ghey ghey,
dreaming about martyrdumb,

muhammad butt plug up his bum,
bravely hiding in a cave,

sending bombers to the grave,
touch up yer beard with "just for men",

yes I've heard that about you yer "just for men."
Cum out and fight me face to face,

for a muslim and an arab yer a fucking disgrace,
until I catch you I'll just say ta ta,

but when I do boy you'll suck my fatwah.