Thursday, November 1, 2007

If His Lips Are Moving Hes Lying

Even though I have been a member of the IRA for years and we think nothing about targeting civilians, even our own people. I am sooooo sorry for the death of your son Jim, er sorry I mean Tim.

In February 1993 in Warrington, three IRA terrorists broke into a gas storage depot and planted some bombs. They escaped shooting a police officer as they went, only one of the bombs went off hurting no one.
The three silly taigs were caught and everyone thought that was that.
In March of 1993 the Saturday before Mothering Sunday, in revenge for the arrests the IRA set off 2 bombs in waste bins in a busy street. They killed Three year old Jonathan Ball and Twelve year old Tim Parry and injured 56 others.
Three year old Jonathan Bell
Twelve year old Tim Parry

Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams at an event for peace at Canary Wharf in London has said sorry to Colin and Wendy Parry the parents of Tim .
Colin Parry said he could not forgive the IRA. Can't really give a good reason why he should.

Adams then went on to say:
"The IRA expressed its regret at what had happened... I have also expressed my personal and sincere regret, and apologised for the hurt inflicted by republicans.
"I do so again this evening. This is the right and proper thing to do."

Their regret didn't stop them from bombing Canary Wharf in 1996 ending their 2 year cease fire or Adams continuing to support them, as if he would know the right thing to do.