Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Five Most Ugh-Sexiest Weemen ALIVE!

Do people really see her as sexy and if so why? no arse, no tits, as deep as a bird-bath with a sly/smug, smirk on her face and a selfish mean personality, and piss stains.

Maxim magazine that sexist wank rag that keeps the sista doon has named "The Five Unsexiest Weemen Alive" as opposed to "The Five Unsexiest Weemen Dead" I like it when they lie still.

At # Five is Britney Spears. I must remind all of those who used to think she was hot until they saw her true colours , she packed on a few and squeezed out a couple of wee nippers. Remember that I never said she was sexy, I said something like, "look at that slut with a face like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle, she can't sing or dance why the fuss?"

At # Four is Madonna, I can still remember her humping the stage on Top of the Pops (chart music show) in the early 80's and wondering why everyone is going on about her unshaven armpits when she is clearly hot. After a while it turned out she only had one side to her so her films flopped but the music was massive and now at 49 she is working out too much spouting off crazy shit like Tom Cruise and dancing like shes 29, now she is most unsexy.

At # Three is Sandra Oh, I object at this entry because not only do her eyes not open fully but she doesn't put herself out there as a sexy creature she is the solid friend type. She may be a minger but she is likeable, stick that dopey bitch Paris Hilton in her place, that an unsexy built like a boy no talent/no personality hoorbag, Sandra Oh does not belong on this list.

At # Two is Amy Winehoose, if singing junkies with flat arses are yer thing then yay! but I really don't give a shit, its like Anna Nicole, you see the shit she gets up to and get sick of the over exposure and drama and think can we not just cut to the inevitable drug overdose?

At # One is Sarah Jessica Parker, it could have been any of the Sluts in the city but no its her, as with # two she has a long face a cow would be proud of. SJP hasn't looked attractive since LA Story . I feel validated by this list except for # three because you knew she was mutton not mutton dressed like lamb.

If she is having sex in the city I hope a paper bag is used.

This has been my shallow, judgmental post for the day, can anyone picture SJP and Ferris Bueller having sex ? I'm outta here before things get ugly, woops too late.