Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Put The Dog Doon

This dog has had his day.

A while back I did a post on how crap Dog Chapman is with his pointy high heeled boots that he can't run in flicking his hair like a teenage gurl and preaching the lord to crack heads while shoving a cigarette into their gobs. I was saying how phoney it all was. Old Knudsen is a great judge of character good and bad and I'm always punctual.

In a private phone call to his son Tucker he orders him to dump his gurlfriend because she is black and says he won't work in the family business if he doesn't, and he refers to her as a "f---ing n---er" sorry I just cannot print such poisonous words, so much for dog's image as a born-again Christian .

A&E has announced it is suspending production of the show, but for now the cable network is continuing to broadcast it.

Always one to argue for the underdog I believe it is unAmerican to have any repercussions against Mr Dog. The Yanks have a free speech thing, you can't incite hatred but you can call names and it was to his son, how many times have we not used the words fucking and nigger to our own children? (I lied about not using the words I don't care) its everyday parental language. Remember when Robertsons stopped using the Golly wog to advertise its jam? even my friend Sam Bo changed his name.

President Thomas Jefferson liked the dark meat and had children with his slave mistress (thats a nice way of saying the slaves he raped without force) he might of shouted to his wife as he cheerfully headed to the slave quarters "I'm just off to fuck a nigger" at that time it was an acceptable term until they got rights and all uppity etc and then took offense at being called it, ach the things I get called.

President Andrew Jackson whose nick-name was "Old Hickory" because he liked to smoke the dark wood died with his death bed surrounded by his own personal niggers, no Cherokees I must add they were too busy marching to their deaths thanks to Mr Jackson.

My point is that if it was good enough for American presidents to enslave, rape and whip niggers all the while taking about equality (black men got the vote before white weemen) then Dog the bounty hunter should be allowed to be against them if he so chooses.

There should be no repercussions for being a racist , God was a racist, read yer old testament however he should be fired and taken off the air for being a crack headed phoney, you don't want kids looking up to him mincing about with a hangover sucking his belly in, besides hes a racist cunt get rid of him.