Monday, November 12, 2007

If You Can't Be With The One You Love Then Love The One Yer With

What is the story to this picture? Many people think my bedroom wall is covered with photos of myself but no its covered with photos of you my beautiful readers.

Did this gurl meet a guy only to find when she got to his bedroom he was her stalker? She looks kinda dozy maybe shes been drugged with Aqua dots or drugged with the realisation that by appearing on Old Bitter Balls her modeling career is effectively over.

Yes it is my room and we did make sweet love all night and then cried in each others arms as the sun came up and we fell asleep to the chorus of birds outside our window and the gentle shouting and swearing of the bin men when they found my wheelie bin to be half full of feces as my toilet is bunged up.

Ok the truth is I lured her to my hoose with my charm and sex appeal, the photos did freak her out a bit but not as much as me using the commode while I took this picture, the look on her face was just as she threw up into her mouth. Five seconds later she remembered something important she had to do and bolted for the door, what a strange gurl and she forgot to leave me her number but don't worry I know where she lives.