Saturday, November 10, 2007

We Don't Do The Spin Doctors

Whats the bloody Romans ever done for us?

Tony Blair will complete his conversion to Roman Catholicism within weeks. The former Prime Minister's wife Cherie is a Fenian and so are their four (soon to be ten) children.

He has been learning the inaccurate Catholic scriptures and has read the Pope's handbook on anal sex, after he proves himself by living in a room smeared with feces, dressing like a reject from the 70's and eats the heart of a new born baby he will be fondled by Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor, the Archbishop of Westminster who to me sounds like a right Taig and given a badge of some sort probably maybe a cap.

He wasn't allowed to become Catholic while in number 10 as that would be well fucked up, Church of England (Catholic lite) is the state religion, not Presbyterianism but better than Catholicism, his spin doctor at the time Alastair Campbell said, "We don't do God."