Saturday, November 10, 2007

Suicide Dating

Inspired by Matt of Animal mind who read the below post and admitted to having a date with an Arabic woman, that is so cool just think how many comedy opportunities there could be, he expressed a hope that she doesn't blow up the coffee hoose which is a good start. After this if you don't get yer hole then I don't know what.

1) where do you hide the bomb in that outfit ? (if she dresses scantily)
2) I take it the bomb strapped around yer waist is what is making you look chubby (if she wears a burka)
3) so do you ever get stoned?
4) My favourite Arabic dish is Chicken Jihad.
5) my mouths as dry as a camel's twat (make her feel at home)
6) I only call it a "pork sword" its all Matt meat baby totally kosher (kosher being a Muslim word shows yer a man of the world)
7) So Muhammad shagged a nine year old, just wondering, do you have any younger sisters? (shows you respect their traditions)
8) Israel, whats that about?
9) To test just how terroristy she is ask, "so how important do you think it is for pilots to learn how to land their plane safely?"
10) To be romantic sing Sunni and Shia "I got Jew babe" a song about beheading hot Jews.

Just be careful lad, those Arabs have a self destruct personality.