Saturday, November 17, 2007

Men Rule Weemen Drool

68-year-old ex-Manchester City striker Rodney Marsh, who lost his sports pundit job after making a joke about the Asian tsunami on-air, made some sexist remarks while appearing on the reality show I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here.

Talking about fellow contestant some PR chick Lynne Franks, he said: "She believes in equality of women and that women should be paid as much as men and that women are equal to men."
I don't want to upset any weemen, maybe a fair way would be to pay the hot weemen a little bit extra, wisdom of Solomon here folks.

Then Marsh said, "My point was what has a woman ever invented?" Well Mr Marsh here is an impressive list of female achievements. I cannot stand by and let you put weemen doon, they are not merely sex objects to be lusted over for yer animalistic cravings. Please visit my Blog full of naked and half naked weemen. MY PORNO BLOG

Mary Anderson invented the windshield wiper in 1905.

In 1886, Josephine Cochran invented the first practical dishwasher.

The Barbie doll was invented in 1959 by Ruth Handler.

Ann Moore Invented the Snugli baby carrier.

Bette Nesmith Graham invented liquid paper, also known as White-Out™.

Madame Curie doesn't count as she had help from the "man" and only got credit cos she out lived her husband, in reality she only made the tea, but where would we be without Barbies and windshield wipers? in a ditch with nothing to play with that's where.

Marsh then asked: "Would you fly on a plane flown by two women? ... They would be putting their lipstick on in the wing mirror and all that." He may have a point Amelia Earhart was fixing her bangs when she crashed .

Referring to the show's public voting system, ex-Changing Rooms presenter Anna Ryder Richardson warned him: "Do you know how many women's votes you just lost with that chat?"

Marsh then insisted: "It's a joke. That's why women have no sense of humour either, that's the thing, it's a joke - I'm only kidding."

Well that's true, um oh shit no that's not true as many of my readers are weemen that proves they have an excellent sense of humour or they are all just sick fuckers..... feminists have no sense of humour but that goes with the territory and not expected.

Warren Beatty who claims to have shagged thousands of weemen, go on if ya did him admit it.

Ex-model and walking reason for sterilization Janice Dickinson defended woman by saying: "We give birth." (with the help of men I must add)

Its a lucky thing that weemen give birth to more men than weemen or nothing would get invented.

Marsh added "I don't know why you make such a fuss about it but you do. I don't think it can be too painful actually ... You know, when you break your leg playing football that's got to be more painful than giving birth?"

Or to have yer leg bitten off by a great white Panda but I don't go on about that do I ? Another True Story

I give birth to 8 monster turds a day so I know about childbirth I think weemen go on so much about it because its painful and dangerous to both woman and child and they are totally bitter that men have their fun for 20 seconds and don't have an 8 lbs screaming sprog getting ripped out of their bodies after 9 long months of back ache and looking fat.

A typical woman.

Yes today Old Knudsen is a champion for weemen kind, you can show yer appreciation with more naked pictures and a nice cup of tea.