Friday, November 16, 2007

Where The Streets Have No Shame

Six homeless people have died on the streets of Belfast in the last 18 months.

Having lived in Belfast I'd see on certain streets and even in parks you have to run the gauntlet of dodgy half drunk people with out stretched hands shouting, "Hey fella, got 20p?" once I had my cap off my head and was holding it as the weather had gotten warmer and some dirty cunty baws shouts over to me, "If ya don't want to wear it I'll have it, " that fella got some of me most choice words and a kicking when I found him asleep in a doorway later on.

I'm Not sure how to take the news of the homeless deaths, is it yay! 6 are dead ? or is it ah c'mon we could do better in 18 months ? I mean whats the right reaction to this ?

I did once find myself walking in the same direction as one of the people who sit and drink bottles of "beat the wife" all day in Ormeau park once, he must have been on something as he was talking a mile per minute, he volunteered such information to me about how the government was paying the rent for the flat he lived in and how he was expecting a £300 bonus benefit near Christmas that was going to pay for a ton of drink and he was getting this and that, doing better than me he was I mean I couldn't afford to get drunk everyday even with the odd 20p tip from a stranger I was working for Hunter Glazing as a glass cutter, the bomb blasts of terrorism was great for the glass business.

I never saw desperate doon on their luck people on the streets of Belfast I'm sure they exist but I just saw people who chose to be there so no sympathy from me, just like in Canada where they have this centre where junkies can go and get clean needles and a room to shoot up or chase the bloody dragon under supervision so they can get medical attention if they overdose, what the fuck? I say overdose yay!

San Francisco even considered the idea for such a place but it was too ghey even for them, no offense to the fudge packers of San Francisco, I loved the "Streets of San Francisco" just not the dirty back alleyways.