Friday, November 9, 2007

Suck My Yellow Beads

Wow looks like great fun, nice try China, yer only thinning the herd, if the kiddies eat their toys then they must be mongs.

China is at it yet again, poisoning the products they export to us, this time they want to date rape our children. I'm not surprised. Aqua Dots which is some dopey shite children's toy contains a GHB date rape type drug that puts kids into comas if they swallow the beads, stupid wee shites.
Poisonous sex toys now that would shake up the world but this is only boring brats and a shite toy, if you buy this for a child instead of something loud and violent then yer a chink enabler.

I myself am going out to buy this before they recall it all because I'm in sore need of getting date raped.

When I was a child we were given bars of lead to lick if we were good and our water always tasted better in lead goblets, our swimming pool was also lined with lead and look at me, have you ever seen me type LOL? I rest my case.