Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Name Is Brown, Gordon Brown (Texture like sun)

A BBC reporter went a round Washington DC with a picture of Gordon Brown and asked Americans if they knew who he was, the closest was a woman who said "Golden Blair."

Its all been happening in the UK, The Queen opened Parliament (it seems she is the only one with a set of keys) and gave a nice speech about what "her" government will and will not stand for.
Remembrance Sunday of course and then there was The Lord Mayor's dinner.
The reason that drew attention was because over the past few years Gordon Brown a wise Scot who is frugal with his purse strings only wore an ordinary suit to it which outraged the old toffs who wear dickey bows and tails.
Now as Prime Minister he has been forced to spend £3000 of tax payers money on a suit with a white tie and tails in order to be a guest of the Queen and to hob-nob with our special friends the Saudis who themselves wear bed sheets.

Not just following the dress code but Brown also mentioned the US who have been giving attention to the French and the Germans so hes following the diplomatic code too. The UK and the US swap intelligence info and we buy US missiles for our subs, we can't be seen as getting too distant. In his speech unflash Gordon said:

"It is no secret that I am a lifelong admirer of America. I have no truck with anti-Americanism in Britain or elsewhere in Europe and I believe that our ties with America - founded on values we share - constitute our most important bilateral relationship."

Blair would totally rim the US but this is about as much gushing affection as you can expect from Brown. Its obvious that in the future there will be wars with Iran and China and whatever mates they bring along, do you think France or Germany will have yer back? what has their sucess rate been like in the last 100 years? losing, surrendering and blowing up Greenpeace.