Saturday, June 16, 2007

Deport Them All.

The great deceiver, she had us all fooled, a Yank in Scots clothing.

Marguerite Grimmond was born in Detroit but moved to Arbroath home of hoors and slappers with her Scottish mother in 1929 when she was two, has been told she could face deportation as an illegal immigrant.
She left Scotland for the first time for a holiday in Australia. but when she returned, was told her American passport wasn't valid and that she could not stay in the country.

80 year-old Grimmond never applied for British citizenship and has been told after 4 weeks shes going back to the land of the free (range morons that is)

Her husband Dave from Angus has now talked to solicitors and sent off a cheque for £750 along with an application to become a British citizen. Five days to go before the deadline to leave she has to wait and find out if shes been successful or not.

Her mother was Scottish, she married Dave who was a policeman, her children were all born in Scotland and she assumed she was a Scot too, she didn't know she wasn't British, which leads me to wonder why she had a Yank passport.
Old people make me sick with their total disregard for laws of the land and rules of society, pushing in front of you in shop lines, their need to tell you what to do or what they have done in their long eventful lives. Grouchy fuckers with no patience, pretending to be so clueless while hating change as much as an Anne Rice Vampire, well that's enough about me .

Grimmond said "I don't know anyone in America. I would just be fair lost, to put it mildly, but I really don't think there's any more I can do. I don't think it will happen but I'm just leaving it in the lap of the gods."

Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law, we need to form some kind of armed vigilante group to protect Scotland from these Illegal immigrants, maybe we'll call it the "15 minute tea-break men" coming over here,marrying the men our weemen don't want to marry, posing as Scottish all the while laughing about how small everything is compared to the States.
I bet she sneaked across the border from England, we need a fucking big wall like in the olden days. Whats that lap of the Gods crap? what is she a heathen too? oh the shame.

People like Marguerite are a threat to our way of life send her back to her people before they all start to sneak over to live their dreams of the Scottish way.
In a recent poll 67% of British said they thought there were too many immigrants in Britain, the rest couldn't understand English well enough to answer the questions.
Remember Immigrants aren't like real people, they eat babies and steal all yer garden ornaments , they don't have feelings like you or I so feel no pity, we have ours so fuck all the others.