Thursday, June 28, 2007

Gurl Interupt...............

Here it is people, I can vouch for the authenticity of this picture as I took it during our honeymoon on the Isle of Man. Angie as I call her was a ninja in the sack she liked me to take a dump on her chest and smear it in, little did she reckon on my stomach problems and I totally pebble dashed the poor gurl. The marriage was annulled when I refused to adopt 3rd world children that matched her handbags.

I haven't seen or talked to vagina mouth (my pet name for her) in years. I hear she just got a snakeskin Louis Vuitton and will be soon touring the 3rd world burn units for a new child, well good luck to her and Brad (or vagina mouth as I call him) and remember, if you want a long life together only co-star with really ugly actors/actresses, that Billy Bob Thornton cunt must slip the weemen mickeys or something I mean what was that about? the rebound from me?

On a non naked celebrity topic I visited two Blogs one Brit one Yank and left two of my amazingly witty comments , on the word verification on the first one was "Smenita" I liked the look of that word so I wrote it doon, about 5 minutes later commenting on another Blog the word verification also said, "Smenita" now I have to find out if this is a message from the grave in some dirty lingo or my computer is talking to me again. All I know is that its definitely Blogjinx©.